Saturday 15 March 2008

Two Things Sun/Shadow

My entry is the first picture. Today a grey sea fog descended on the vicinity and this view of our back garden shows it casting a grey shroud or shadow (a bit of a stretch this but you know what I mean) on the proceedings over the fence where everything is veiled in mist, making it the valley of the shadow. However, the sun is a presence in the form of the sun on our fence and the sun balloon weight which hanging in space from our tree. Also the daffodils are coming through. I do think they do look a bit like the sun, and they are such a hopeful flower after the bleak winter, heralding spring with their trumpet shapes. And of course they are used as a symbol of hope in many cancer charities such as Marie Curie.

I have also included a bluebell which we have in our garden because I think the land used to be woodland. There are a lot of these in people's gardens round here and have somehow survived for many years in cultivated gardens despite onslaughts from general horticulture. I think this is a bluebell, but actually looking at it it doesn't quite look like the wild ones you see. I am trying to cast some illumination on this matter in the general fug which is my brain without much success.
This posting is starting to meander alarmingly, but observe the weedy clump of earth in the flowerbed. What I do is pull great clumps of weeds out of the ten foot and give them to the guinea pigs to eat as a bit of recycling. Then I chuck them on the garden, where they regrow and sometimes if I run out of weeds on the tenfoot I reuse these clumps. Even if they don't get reused we get extra earth on our garden for free. So this is my own recycling weed clump plant(as in factory, of the organic variety). Interesting or what LOL


dianeclancy said...

Hi Bev,

What is a 10 foot? I think a cultural difference here ...

Great story as always and what fun to have 2 suns and lots of shadows!

~ Diane Clancy

Rob said...

Shade, sun, and fog, you got it all. I like your clever sun, I sure wish I had thought of that.

Bev said...

Diane, a ten foot is so-called because is ten feet wide and is the track at the back of terrace houses like these which people use to get to the garages which are at the back of people's houses because there are no room for them round the front.

Our ten foot is a dirt track full of pot holes, very bad for the suspension of cars. I think people try to fill them in regularly and there was an idea for putting some money together to tarmac it, but this has never happened. So it is very weedy. The weeds are very lush and I think this may have something to do with the way people used to empty their household waste at the back of houses. My kids used to play on this, games like hide and seek, where they hid between the garages.

Irene said...

I think your fog is very shady, so called shady fog. We have that kind here to. It seems to be a side effect of living by the North Sea. What do you think? Am I full of it?

lebanesa said...

nice pics, Bev and I realise I haven't done mine... I'll have to have a quick look through and see if I have any sunny pics as it is cloudy and overcast here.
That is a Spanish bluebell. The wild English ones are a bit different, not as sturdy and dying out with all the powerful travelling Spanish type. There is a gardening movement to try and plant English ones to combat this, but probably not much chance - a bit like squirrels? My garden has a lot of hybrid ones, very few English and an increasing number of Spanish ones. I think the English ones get dug up by squirrels and badgers. sorry - I got verbal diarrhoea - taking over here.

Bev said...

Frances, I had a feeling you might cast some light on the bluebell matter. Very interesting, and not verbal diarrhorea at all.(I have also noticed (forgive my impertinence, that you write and spell effortlessly).

In fact I have been starting to collect some pictures of these bluebells. So it wasn't that where we live was woodland, it's just that they proliforate all over the place.

Bev said...
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Bev said...

Sweet Irene, you are not full of it. I do indeed think this is a North Sea fog.

Bev said...

The only one with verbals whatsits round here is me, and I'm going to go back to my posting and tidy it up before DC gets here.