Monday 5 November 2007

Two Things Challenge - Nature and Civilisation

It's the first pic, but I wanted to get all these other ones in as they are similar and all help to make the same point, and they display some lovely autumn colours. All, apart from the third one (which comes from someone's garden and to get permission to take it I had to do some gesticulating though a window, so I want it to be worth my while!)are taken of shrubs growing against walls. These are free-growing shrubs, which, left to their own devices would go all over the place (as natural things do) but have grow up against the angular shapes of civilisation, or the buildings, and taken on their regular, controlled shapes. I think the tension between the two makes for their effect.

First pic is a cute topiary garden, which encapsulates one way of civilising nature into a formal garden. I've been round Versailles, so I've seen the best of them, but I like this one on our own doorstep.


Bobbie said...

Nice pictures Beverly, and a nice entry for this week's challenge. I was wondering how you would represent this challenge :)

Bev said...

Bobbie, thank goodness you have commented. Since Frances went on holiday my comments have gone down 400%. I have tried commenting on other blogs to get more of a readership, but no luck. They must think my blog is rubbish!!!! Nevermind, I like blogging for the disicpline of writing a daily posting and doing it for my own pleasure. It is like an internal conversation with oneself, and

dianeclancy said...

Hi Beverly,

This is a great entry!! I have been looking at it in my reader since you put it up! My idea is similar but I haven't had time to get to it yet.

I like your blog ... and I personally haven't had a chance to comment all week. You (Bev and Bobbie) are my best commentors so I came here as soon as I can!!

I appreciate feeling a sense of continuity from our knowing each other more and more as we read and post on each others' blogs!!

Thank you both for sticking with me!!

~ Diane Clancy

dianeclancy said...

Hi again ... I also know how hurt I am when no one comments ... I know it is silly to put my worth in that ... but it makes me feel so so so good when people take the time to say something!!!

~ Diane Clancy

Anonymous said...

I love your little topiary garden! It appeals my "organized" mentality. I have all the plants and trees in my yard set up so that mowing (which is really time consuming in FL) is easily done. My mom (who lives next door) never worries about her always "starting" new little plants and her only concern is to put them in an area where they will be happy! Her yard is always a riot of color and needless to say there are way more pretty photos to be had in HER yard...LOL
PS...I always enjoy your blog!

Arizona Mama said...

I'm laughing at the thought of you sneaking pictures of people's gardens!

I think you captured the challenge very well!