First garden, they like sunflowers. I have never seen sunflowers put round a border like this, it is not usually considered to be a border filling plant. So what, they don't give a toss. If you find something you like stick with it.
Second pic. The retired gentleman always put on a display like this (which he makes himself)which the toddlers gather to look at on their way to Playgroup. This year it is Bob the Builder and Thomas the Tank Engine. He stand there watering them (longer possibly than is necessary)throughout the day and likes to chat with the little groups gathered at the fence, which include a fair number of adults.
Third pic, a bit more sophisticated, a peaceful Zen Buddhist garden which has a statue of Buddha at the top of the circle.(Though it is not clear.) Well, it did have but now it is a Seven Dwarf. I used to like looking at the Buddha when I passed and had to double take one day when I saw Grumpy instead. When I asked the lady what had happened she said that the Buddha had been nicked and she had to replace it with one of the dwarves from her back garden. It can't have been a proper Buddhist who nicked it as surely stealing is against all their principles.
Fourth pic a Chinese garden. Not a good pic this as it is quite secluded and I had to hold my camera over the fence to get it. Then I worried about the ethics of taking pictures of people's gardens, it's a bit of a cheek. The bloke who was watering the garden in the last pic agreed and asked for fifty quid copyright. Said that flowers this year (and he should know) have bloomed for longer and more spectacularly because of all the rains.
I think the Zen Garden is my favorite and I think you should take up a collection for a new Buddha statue and have the dwarf removed immediately. Lol.
It does spoil it a little bit, but at least they have tried to replace it with something. The dwarf has been there for quite some time so perhaps they are in dire straits.
lovely pics. Now I understand why people liked looking at my pics of the neighbours' gardens! sticky beaking!
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